
Ep. 27: The Brain & Gut Connection with Hollie Crome

Since experts have been establishing such strong connections between the gut and the brain, it makes sense we wanted to have today’s guest on our show! We’re lucky enough to be joined by Hollie Chrome of Hollie Chrome Holistic Wellness.

Hollie specializes in supporting women in feeling empowered about their Health and Wellness through creating and achieving their own unique Wellness Vision. Hollie works with many women who have felt like they were never successful in achieving their health goals, like they were in a continual cycle of starting over with their health and who felt like factors such as stress, lack of support and lack of nutritional knowledge were barriers to their success in achieving their definition of optimal health. Hollie’s work is served by a strong foundation in the Mind-Body connection, and how this connection is critical to success in optimal and functional health. Hollie is a mother of 3 and when she isn’t empowering women to finally achieve their Wellness Vision, she is sewing, hiking and creating healthy low-sugar treats. 

We need to nourish our minds through mindset practices, which we talk about all the time, but in addition, we need to nourish our bodies through nutrition and movement. Studies are being done on the gut-brain connection but it is still a relatively unknown topic. Even scientists and researchers do not fully understand the connection between them, but they have established that there is a very strong, scientific connection between our brains and our thought processes and what happens in the gut and vice versa. 

Today, Hollie is going to go over what is known about the gut-brain connection. How can we improve our gut health? What do we do that’s damaging our gut health? And what can looking after our gut do for our mind? Find out on today’s episode!

As always, don’t forget to find us on our website and join our Facebook group. Make sure to follow Hollie on Instagram and TikTok, as well as visit her website.

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