I know people that are truly kind to everybody that they meet. They never speak a word of ill against someone else, with one exception: themselves. I wish they could see that self-love isn’t just a buzzword or a trendy concept—it’s a completely vital piece to building a happy life.
To talk about the transformative role self-love can have in our lives, I had the pleasure of chatting with Marci Owen, a life coach who really dives deep into how self-love and confidence can change us forever. Marci debunks some common myths, helps us understand “humble confidence” (and why “pride” isn’t the negative term you might think), and tackles that inner critic that tells us we just aren’t good enough.
You can get in touch with Marci Owen on her website: marciowen.com or her Instagram: @marci.owencoaching. Also make sure to check out her podcast, “The Courageous and Confident Christian Mom”.
Don’t miss Marci’s offer for her free video series to help you silence your inner critic and start practicing self love.
- The “Memory Matters” course—cherish and protect your memories, they’re invaluable.
- The Advanced Nervous System Resilience training—join the waitlist! Dive deep into understanding the nervous system and its role in our lives.
- My video series, “The 30 Second Burnout Solution”—a lifeline for those grappling with stress and burnout, especially compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress.
Stay connected with me on Facebook and Instagram. For more insights and resources, visit my website and consider booking a mini session with me!