
Ep. 125: Understanding the Role of Neuroception (AKA Your Internal Surveillance System)

Building Resilience Podcast
Building Resilience Podcast
Ep. 125: Understanding the Role of Neuroception (AKA Your Internal Surveillance System)

Ever wondered why you’re drawn to (or away from) certain people or places? Your body’s got an unconscious surveillance system that constantly scans for safety and danger—and it influences your daily life, sometimes without you even knowing it.

In this episode of Building Resilience, we dive into that system: neuroception. We’ll discuss the various sensory systems that contribute to neuroception, and the role of the polyvagal theory in understanding the autonomic nervous system. We’ll also explore the practical application of neuroception in regulating our nervous system, offering a three-step process to establish safety, check for tension in the body, and invoke a relaxation response.

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