
I have special interest in helping you befriend your nervous system, cultivate confidence and joy, and build resilience to work through everyday life challenges or overcome specific adversities such as:

• Stress, burnout, compassion fatigue, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, brain injury, and chronic pain and illness 

• Marriage & divorce, blended families, co-parenting, parenthood, step-parenthood

• Emotional overwhelm, nervous system dysregualtion, self confidence, and relationship challenges

Are we a fit?

It’s a big decision to hire a life coach. Connection is key.

Here are a few more personal things about me to help you gauge if we would be a good fit. 

(Of course, nothing takes the place of a face to face meeting so make sure you book a free session to connect!) 

I am a wife, a mom, stepmom, mother-in-law, ex-wife, fur mama, life long learner, blogger, author, world traveller and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I love poutine (born and raised in Montreal), sushi (weekly date night), and Grey’s Anatomy (I’ve never missed an episode). 

I’m an INFJ, recovering perfectionist and a neuroscience and nervous system nerd.

I love to read, walk, talk, bake and snap too many pictures of my kids, my dog Reggie and the Toronto skyline (where I call home). 

Cliche or not, I love sunrises, sunsets and lounging on the beach – but am often found buzzing around, getting things done, working on creating my dream life and helping others create theirs too – such a thrill!!  I’m constantly searching for thin places and creating thin moments (and I would love to explain these terms if you ask…).

The difference between someone who is resilient and someone who is not, is the number and quality of tools in their toolkit. I will help you build your toolkit so you are confident to face any adversity life throws you. (And I’ll let you in on a little secret – all the tools you need are already within you. I just help you find them and use them to create your best life possible).