
About Me

Hello! I thought I’d introduce myself professionally and tell you a bit about me and why I do what I do!  My name is Leah Davidson  and I am a  registered Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) and a certified Life Coach (through the Life Coach School).

I’ve devoted over two decades (yikes!) as an SLP to helping people rehabilitate and rebuild their lives following traumatic brain injury.  Over the years I have added even more tools through many certifications and trainings including:

  • Forward Facing Trauma Informed Health and Wellness Coach
  • Forward Facing Professional Resilience Coach and Consultant
  • Pain Reprocessing Therapy Coach 
  • Revelation Breathwork Facilitator
  • EFT Practitioner
  • Embodied Processing Practitioner  
  • Polyvagal Informed Performance Coach

I love to support my clients manage the various curveballs that life throws at them (whether it be the daily stressors of life or the  ones that tend to shift their world) using various modalities.

My  training and experience has allowed me a unique perspective of the brain.  I know the brain, and the nervous system and I  have a good understanding of how it works and how resilient it is. I am a self development,  neuroscience, and nervous system junkie and know that if you have a regulated nervous system and a growth mindset, there is always opportunity to learn and evolve. 

I have even created an ADVANCED TRAINING IN NERVOUS SYSTEM RESILIENCE so I can share my expertise with other coaches and helping professionals. This IS my passion!

Neuroplasticity is very real – and you can rewire your brain. You can learn how to befriend your nervous system and deal with stress and adversity. You can heal your traumas, become free from chronic pain and illnesses, and even experience post traumatic growth.

Most importantly, you can learn how to get MORE out of your life – more acceptance, more gratitude, more peace, more connection, more satisfaction, more compassion- and overall just feel better in your life – without  having to change your circumstances. You can move from resistance to resilience!  I want to help you become more purposeful in creating the life that you want to lead. 


I too, have struggled with the stress and emotional overwhelm that everyday life often brings.

I have had losses: loved ones, relationships, hopes and dreams.  I have experienced the anxiety, sadness, stress and grief that comes with change and adversity. 

I did the work and took a deep dive into my own personal life.  I challenged my beliefs.  Befriended my nervous system. Rewrote my story.  I have learned how to become more consciously resilient. I have learned how to live with more joy and abundance!

I set impossible goals.  And I have been blown away by the results I created for myself.  I knew I had an obligation to share them.

The alignment of your brain, your body and your nervous system is the key to your happiness,  well-being and growth potential.   Your thoughts and feelings are your superpowers. Your ability to develop nervous system resilience is the foundation upon which to build it all.

I have the tools and the experience to help you find joy and deliberately create the future of your dreams. You start with becoming regulated, then build one thought and one feeling at a time. I will help you uncover the real you. 

With Love,
